Friday, January 25, 2008

Fran Time

It's another very rainy and cold day here in Santa Cruz. This week we've had sun (very little), rain, hail, snow and wind. What's mother nature unleashing on your area? Rainy days are a time for me to catch up on my least favorite thing.........paperwork. I've got bidding, materials lists, and some billing to do. As you can see I'm starting off with a little procrastination and getting a quick post in first.
Here's Talon, our grandson and future Crossfitter.

Today Brendan was sick so our 5am was canceled. I went in at 9am after checking a couple of my jobs. Today the workout was Fran= 21-15-9 reps of 95# Thrusters and Pull-ups. I haven't done this workout since November 16th. That was just about a month and a half after I started at Crossfit.

Anyone who has been at Crossfit for very long knows that Fran is one of the main barometers for how fit you are. Fit in the total body and cardio way that Crossfit is geared to. My time last November was 9:13 and I felt that, at the time, that was a good start. So last night, since I had the knowledge that Fran was happening today, I started psyching my self out. I figured that getting my time down under 7 would be a good personal record. Then I started to the math in my head: 3 seconds per thruster, 1 second per pull-up, four or five 10 second rests, transition time from the bar bell to the pull-up bar..........and so on. Now I'm getting to the gym thinking that I should be able to get a sub 5 min time.

All this "thinking" while I know that my legs and shoulders are pretty spent and sore from monday, tues and weds. workouts. But it's just 4 or 5 minutes of work, right? I gave it my all and ended up with a 5:58. I was a little disappointed that I didn't finish about a minute quicker. The reality is that it is a 3:15 cut in my time. I shaved over 33% off for my PR. The other reality is that I need to get a lot stronger on my 95# and heavier thrusters. I had to set the bar down way to many times. The pull-ups are probably almost 2 per second, so they're good.

So next time I will be stronger and hopefully a little fresher too. Then I'll shave off a couple more minutes. After Fran (like 15 minutes after, when I finally got Pukie to quite trying to visit) I did 4 sets of 25 weighted sit-ups and alternated those with 30 second handstand holds.

Well back to work for me. Try to stay dry out there.


Michael F said...

dammit! i got 8:00. and i was spent after. i got 11:38 on that november 16 so i did better but still, what the hell are u eating?!

T Miller said...

just food. I don't know, I thought you might catch me on this one. You'll get it, youth is on your side and you're getting alot stronger. I think I got you beat with stamina and lungs. Maybe you need to push yourself harder on the things that gas your breathing.
Bottom line: that's a 3:38 PR....... Awsome

CJ said...

Nice work Troy! You have to be happy with such a huge PR, improve that much again and you'll have a 2:43 minute Fran! haha, keep it up and don't psych yourself out so much!