Wednesday, January 23, 2008

5 am

Today I worked out at 5am. That's the usual for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I really like working out early, it makes the whole day better. The group we have for the 5am class is great too. My cousin, Justin, just joined us as well. Here he is with his son Angelo.

Something that I have found to be really motivating is competing against all the younger guys on the timed workouts. I am naturally a competitive person but this has been more fun that I would have imagined. Some of the young crossfitters, high school and college aged guys, really impress me with their dedication. They get up early and come in to these workouts in addition to their sports stuff at school.

The thing that has started happening that I find the most surprising, and flattering, is how some of these young guy's have made it their mission to catch up to me in the workouts. I'm by no means the fastest or the best. I do put up numbers that seem to be just out of reach of these guys though. And their obvious interest in beating me has me working hard to stay out front. I guess I have to thank them for pushing me and being a big part of my drive. Of coarse wanting to put Brendan-like numbers up is my main drive. The summary would be: they chase me and I'm chasing Brendan. Works for me, hope it's working for them.........


Tuesday- 5 push press, 135#

250 meter row

7 Rounds.......................15:54

Wednesday- Back Squat, 3 rep max, 7 sets.......205 x1 set, 215x6 sets

I was really hoping my back squat numbers would have jumped up much farther. I'm pretty sure I'm getting a lot stronger, but I did torch my legs (along with my shoulders) the last two days. I'm pretty happy overall with my progress. The main thing is that I'm having loads of fun.


CJ said...

Hey T,

thanks for posting up those workouts...Now all I need is my gym to put the 1 rower they have into the same building as their 2 barbells! haha, keep posting, I'm determined to match one of your times in a workout soon!


T Miller said...


Wow, I guess I kinda take it for granted how lucky I am to have 2 crossfit gyms so close. If it's any consolation, I wish I had your backsquat..........


Michael F said...

woe, i didnt know you had one of these. Well i finally got you on one. 255# 3 rep back squat. that was 5# over my last one rep. Yes! this is just a sign of whats to come. im gonna get you on those timed workouts. im gonna stop by the 5am again one of these days.

T Miller said...


Yea, Back squat is a weakness for me. I did work out both days before that and my legs were tired. The board was wrong, I did 215# and even fresh I probably would have only done about 235#. There's no 5am tommorrow though. i talked to J-Dog and Fran's coming up this week, hopefully tommorrow. We'll see how that goes. My legs are fried right now.
Congrats on the PR, good work!


Michael F said...

ya we are doing fran tomorrow. ive been wanting to start pushing myself more and fran is a perfect one to start on. my legs are done too but im still gonna kill myself tomorrow. its gonna suck.


T Miller said...

my legs (mostly my ass) are still very sore today.........I'm still hoping to put up a time around 6 mins. I'm going to go in at 9am.