Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Under the Weather

For the last couple of weeks I haven't been feeling all that good. Nothing major, I hope, just not 100% and I can't really figure it out. I have been functioning with a stomach ache pretty much 80% of the time. Some days it's been more like 40-50% but usually worse.

Here, were at the Hardrock Cafe and off the Zone for the day.

I have been following the Zone Diet pretty close and, when I first started it I lost about 10 pounds, dropping me from 183 to 173 or even lower. I was doing 20-21 blocks a day and my intention was to perform better in the workouts, gain muscle, replacing fat. Since muscle weighs more than fat I figured I would probably gain weight or at least stay even. So I wasn't happy about losing weight. I talked to Brendan and Shari about it and they increased my fat blocks to triple. So now, on a 5 block meal I'm doing 15 blocks of fat.

This has worked well for me and My body weight has stayed around 178 and my performance continued to increase. Then these stomach aches came along and, at first I thought maybe I was just fighting a bug (I'm still hoping that's what it is) but when they kept on, I started experimenting with different things to see if it would help. Trying more fibrous veggies, or less powders (shakes w/vitamins and protein), and finally adjusting my fat blocks down a bit. I think the fat block thing might be causing a decrease in the symptoms. I have been getting them less, maybe 30% of the day or so. We'll see, it could just be coincidence.

The thing is, even on really bad days it feels fine while I am working out. It seem when my breathing becomes hard and heavy it's fine. I don't think it's affecting my workouts, but with-in a half-hour after it would generally be back. Now that it's decreased I all of the sudden have a sore throat and a fever. I went to Mondays workout anyway. I usually ignore sickness and don't give it the time of day and it usually surrenders and goes away. Even though I feel worse today I plan to stick with that plan, although I will probably take at least one extra rest day from crossfit.

I find it kind of funny how most people, me included, go through life eating pretty badly and feeling pretty OK. I used to get away with eating all sorts of bad food: lots of Mexican, donuts once a week, tons of pancakes and french toast with loads of syrup, and lots of pasta w/a half a loaf of french bread at one sitting. I was lucky, I never really got overweight and I never once had indigestion or heart burn. I don't even know what they feel like (maybe that's what I have). I've never even tasted a Rolaids of a Tums. Then you get your diet right and get your body performing like a race car and it acts like one. The minute you mess with its fuel you notice it.

I'm still hoping this is just a bug in stomach or some kind of body adjustment after 4 months on the zone. I'm thinking it will go away and remain somewhat of a mystery. Maybe this fever and sore throat are the final phase of this thing leaving my body. Either way, as soon as my fever drops to normal I'm going back to workouts.

Workout update:

Saturday: Went to the "Newbe" session with my brother who was checking Crossfit out...
30 Cal. row, 30 squats, 30 push-ups, 30 Pull-ups and 30 sit-ups...5:13...then
Round 2 with deadlift added to the mix, 70# dumbells............7:26

1000m row warm-up then...
1000m row, 50 wall-balls
750m row, 30 wall balls
2000m row, 20 wall balls..........................20:48

Congrats to my constant pursuer.........Michael Finelli, who beat me and got the time of the day.
Good job Michael


CJ said...


I hope your illness clears up soon so you can get going 100%! When I come back up to SC for spring break, we better have some fierce competitions that will probably leave me on the ground with only pukie to comfort me...keep eating those veggies cause I'm preparing for ya! haha


Michael F said...

Thanks T. Although u are happy for me, i have a feeling your eager to regain your spot at the top and are going to kill it tomorrow. ill try to compete.
