Sunday, December 30, 2007

Final 2007 Weekend

Well this is the last weekend of 2007 and I can't wait to see what the new year has to bring.

We just got back from the movies. Melanie and I watched the new National Treasure movie. If you liked the first one you'll like this one. Personally I think they were both just "OK" but not great. The kids along with 4 other kids from the neighborhood saw "June" at the same time we were watching our movie.

Saturday was pretty much a "take it easy" day. I went to the gym (Crossfit N. Santa Cruz) in the morning and took care of some paperwork but that was about it. Melanie took the girls to the Great Mall in Milpitas.

Today I put gutters on the roof structure over our outdoor kitchen. I didn't work out today as I use Sundays and Thursdays as rest days. Crossfit has become a big part of my life and has made my body feel alot younger and stronger. I intend to be consistent all through 2008 with my training.

Sometimes I feel that I'm cheating on Sundays because we don't go to church. We haven't been going for about 5 years now. Before that we were very active in the church. I'm not sure why we quite going, the kids don't complain though. All is still good between us and God, just haven't been to church. I kinda miss it, but not enough to drag everyone out on sunday just yet.

I'll get into the details of the construction part of my life latter. Right now it's still really the holidays and that is a time of family. The kids grow up fast, and when they do, they have less time us. This is why it's important to make time for them now. Although, since they're all basically teenagers, they seem to find us rather lame and boring.....anyway, until they need something.

The kids are really into their friends at this stage. They happy to just be home so they can play in the neighborhood. We'll have to pry them away to go snowboarding a few times this winter. We didn't make it up to the slopes at all last year. This winter will be different.

1 comment:

B-Boy said...

Sweet blog Troy, You have a beautiful family. I will be checking in, so keep it fresh.
Jesus is my Homeboy....B