Monday, February 4, 2008


It's been a few days since my last post and there's a story behind that............

Last time I posted I had been sick with the flu, not the FLU, just a light version of the flu. This hadn't gotten to me enough to keep me from work but made me a bit miserable. I missed 3 days of workouts and was planning on going in friday morning and getting back at it. After dealing with work stuff and definetly feeling much better I went in at 11am. I was kind of hoping for a short but intense workout and planned on taking it kind of easy, using some caution.

When I got there I noticed the workout was anything but short. Some of the times already on the board were over 40 minutes. I got started thinking of going slow and using caution. Of coarse, once I got going, I pushed real hard and through caution out the window. When I finally finished, with a very mediocre time, I had Pukie beating on me and trying to get the best of me. I suffered through it and took off to go back to work. Unfortunatly about an hour and a half later I was crawling into bed. Melanie placed a bucket next me with only minutes to spare and I was offically sick with the FLU.

The big mistake here was not using enough caution. I didn't listen to my own good sence or, the smarter thing to listen to, my wife. I knew I needed to start slow and kidded myself that I was cleared to go. I probably could have gotten off with the "flu lite" and instead went three days with a fever and no appitite. My competitive spirit got me in trouble. I didn't want to fall behind in my training progress and instead am now having to suffer a larger set-back. Such is life.

So what is there to be learned from this. How about caution, meaning: it's better to be safe that sorry. One step forward isn't worth two steps back, not if you can take a quarter step forward and no steps back. That being said, I am going to wait until latter this week to work-out and my first few workouts are going to be walk-throughs.

I hate taking a setback on my work-out progress, but I really hate laying sick in bed.............Caution.


CJ said...


sounds like you've had a hard week. Hope you get better soon. Good advice too, hope your recovery goes well!


CJ said...

looks like your advise came just in time. I'm feeling pretty under the weather today and I really want to work out. Luckily I learned from you and hopefully I can recover soon. Thanks,

T Miller said...

Yea CJ, I'd say better safe than sorry. I work through cold-like symtoms, but flu-like symtoms are a different story and there's alot of flu going around right now.