Saturday, February 16, 2008

Back at it

Well I'm finally feeling back to normal after being sick. This is my first full week of workouts since I had that nasty flu bug that has been hitting so many people.

The first day back was a little unerving as I went through the workout. Exaustion comes much quicker after a layoff and I was kinda worried that I would trigger a relapse. After all it seemed to be a workout that caused the flu to settle on me in the first place. My time sucked but I felt good afterward so I was very happy. The soreness this week has been a big factor though. My legs have been so sore that walking has been a painful exercise everyday at work. At my work you walk around all day, with 40# of tools hanging from your hips, going up and down ladders and usually carrying stuff too.

The soreness is almost gone and I had a real good workout out the last couple of days. The workouts this week were................................

Monday: 100 ft waiter walk with 40# (alternate arms halfway thru)

20 Box jumps (big box)

10 wall balls with 20# ball

As many rounds as you can in 20 mins.........................9 rounds

Tuesday: Backsquat, 5 round max

215, 215, 220, 220, 220

Wednesday: Daniel

50 Pull-ups

400m run

21 thrusters, 95#

800m run

21 thrusters, 95#

400m run

50 pull-ups....................................20:19

Friday: 400m Run

15 snatch balances, 75#

5 Rounds...............................................16:58

Saturday: Big Loop Run (approx 700m)

30 man-makers, 25# dbs

30 knees to elbows

30 hollow-rocks

250m row

20 man-makers

20 k2e

20 hollow-rocks

250m row

10 man-makers

10 k2e

10 hollow-rocks

Big Loop Run...................................20:22

As usual rest days are sunday and thursday


CJ said...

Looks like you've made a great recovery. Like you, I definitely feel the soreness since coming back..I think my arms and legs might fall off! I checked out the NSC site and it looks like your numbers are creeping up to Brendan's. Keep up the good work!

T Miller said...

Thanks CJ,
B can still blow my doors off when he wants to, especially when there is heavier weight involved. I am creeping up on him in some workouts though. Sorry it didn't workout for you to come up this weekend..........oh well, next time.