Do you ever stop to think how lucky you are? I mean really think about it. We all say it once in awhile: "I'm so lucky", or " the Lord has blessed me". But do we really feel it in a deep and real way. Knowing it is one thing, but feeling it is quite another.
The thing is, most of us fall into a couple of main groups. One consists of all the people that feel life has been mostly unlucky for them. They are barely getting by and living week to week. Most of these people look around at others and think "why can't I get lucky like them". They see the people driving cars with factory warranties and going on vacations and assume those people all got breaks they never had and may never get. They wonder if they'll ever own a home or even be able to save money yet they still claim to be thankful from time to time. They know things could be worse or more hopless. Actually, they know this but at the same time are alittle jealous or bitter.
The other group is filled with people that have lots of hope and, for the most part, are doing quite well. They have fairly new cars and own their home. They get to go on good vacations. These people need the vacations because they work lots of hours and usually experince lots of stress in their jobs or business. They also claim to be greatful for all they have. But deep inside they're thinking "I worked hard for everything I have, nobody gave me this".
Both groups have one thing in common: They should be very thankful. I belive nobody, especially me, can actually be truly greatful until they experince great loss. Most of us will go through life and never have to feel this. I make the claim that this is both a blessing and a curse. No one wants to have a huge loss or tragedy in their life but I'm sure it puts things in perspective. People who have experinced great loss and overcame it through time see life differently that the rest of us.
Who are these people? Can we relate to them? Probably not. How do you know what it feels like to lose the person most close to you in the whole world without it actually happening? How do you know what it would be like to be suddenly paralized and bound to a wheelchair if you're not? How about someone that loses their whole family, or to be stuck in the poverty of a war stricken country? The truth is not many people can even imagine these things let alone know what that would feel like yet alot of these people will display more sincere gratitude than all of us who are blessed with so much more.
So my point is what? It's that I have no right to be unhappy..........ever. I have it so good it's not even funny. And so does everyone I know. We all should be so greatful. We get so focused on our goals, both finacial and social, business and carreer, fun and fitness. We get frustrated if there's a setback due to personal decisions, the economic downturn, politics or whatever reason, and forget to be greatful. Even when we are backsliding from where we want to be we must remember, LIFE IS GOOD! We are lucky!
I have six great kids, two beautiful grandchildren with one on the way, a huge and loving family and most of all, the greatest wife a guy could hope for. Oh yea, there's the awsome house, the vehicles, the yard, the vacations and all that. The thing I think about sometimes is that I would give up all that to have or keep any one part of my family. I could live in a little apartment, barly scraping by week to week, as long as Melanie was still by my side.
I have to make an effort not to let all the hassles and daily tragedies get in the way of my seeing how great life is. Life constantly pulls and pushes you all over...................remember it's just a ride, the passengers are what's important.
You're very right on. We are all so lucky with what we have, it's unbelievable! It's really unfortunate when those who don't realize this and are unhappy with what they have.
Also, I'm not sure whether or not I'm coming up on thursday anymore, so I might not make the friday workout, but I'll definitely show up saturday at 8 and monday at 5
CJ, I'll derinetly see you onthe sat and monday workouts. That 5am on monday, pretty early for a day off. Hope to see you.
Not good news...the ride I ha scheduled to take me to SC is no longer going and I cannot find a ride! I'm pissed cause I've been looking forward to it all week. It looks like I'll be coming some other time for now. Sorry,
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