Thursday, February 21, 2008

After a few weeks that made it seem like summer was here we are back at having some winter weather again. It has been raining off and on all week with chilly temperatures (for around here anyway) and wind. Whenever the weather gets like this I always think about one our tropical trips. This is a waterfall in Micronesia on the island of Pohnpei.
This is just a quick post to update some you on my workouts.......


OH DB Squats

53# Kettle bell swings



10- Pull-ups

10- Ring dips

10- Kettle Bell swings, 53#

5-35# shoulder press

as many rounds in 10 mins.........4 rnds + 10 pull-ups and 8 ring dips


Tabata thrusters, 25# db's

Then row 500m.............7/1:38


Tabata Jumping Pullups

then 21-15-9 25# thrusters and Row for calories.......12/5:54




135# Squat Cleans, Ring Dips.............14:53

These were all pretty brutal especially thursday. My schedule is alittle messed up this week and now I'm gonna have a 4-day in a row thing going on.........we'll see how it goes.


CJ said...

you guys do the coolest workouts! 4 days in a row like that sounds rough. Is is manageable? I've thought about implementing a 4-day cycle for times when I'm too busy to complete my previous 3 day cycle. Let me know how it goes and if it seems like too much for a body to handle. Thanks!

T Miller said...

Cj, I'll let you know after today (4th day). But I can tell you that it's not the best. I like 3 days on 1 off the 2 days on and 1 off. Even at that I need to take a couple of days in a row every two weeks or so. I'm 45 though, it might be different for you.
Michael, yea it was as perscribed and my shoulders were very tired for the OHS x5 we did yesterday. It was fun though, I could really feel my progress from the last time I did something with heavy cleans.

mama mia said...

Great commentary about counting one's blessings. Charles Dickens once said somewhere, "Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your misfortunes, of which all men have some." You and Charlie have philosophies in common!