Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another Injury

Well, as the title of this Blog suggest, I am hurting again. Not long ago I healed, somewhat quickly, from a moderate hamstring pull and now I have a low back strain. According to my massage therapist it has something to do with where the soaze ties into the back of the pelvis. I don't know this stuff so I might be mis-stateing what she actually said or meant. The good news is that it is already feeling much better.

Here's what happened, and there's a bit of a lesson in it: Thursday morning I felt great. I don't usually work out on Thursdays, but I'm going out of town next week and am going to miss a few days so I was hoping to get a couple of extra days in beforehand. Anyway, the workout was backsquats (again). Those seem to be popping up alot lately. I noticed early on that my back was tweaking alittle after each set, during the build-up to 90% of max. Each time I would rack it after my squats I would feel a painfull twinge in my low left side of my back. I should have shut it down right there. Instead, I pushed through a few 1 rep sets of 255# and suddenly it got real bad.

So I left and went to work and painfully made it through the day. By the time I got to my previously scheduled massage appintment at the end of the day I was having a very hard time gettting in and out of my truck. She fixed me up pretty good though and I think I can be back at workouts on Monday.

As it turns out, 255# is a PR for me. This is good news. If that is truly 90% 0f my max, then my max must be around 290#. I'm not so sure about that, but we'll probably see in a couple of weeks. This is a big step for me as backsquat is really my weakness and I have a goal of reaching 300# in backsquat and 400# in deadlift by July. I am hoping to get my Crossfit Total score over 800# by then. The deadlift seems to be an easier goal for me and I have no idea about the shoulder press, I'm assuming it won't be much over 100# if I'm lucky.

The lesson learned is: Listen to your body! If I had shut it down earlier I wouldn't have missed any other workouts this week. Luckily, this "old guy" still heals pretty quick.


CJ said...

sorry to hear about your back. The way you are, I'm sure you'll be back to good health again soon putting up personal records. I miss the competition you and crossfit nsc brings. I'll have to take a trip up again sometime soon. I'll let you know!

CJ said...


Whats up my man? Hows it been going?? I finally grew some balls and signed up for the games so I'll see you there!

Also, my certs this weekend and I'll be stopping by NSC on friday. What time you going to be there?

Margaux said...

omg we havent bloged in a long time?! lol