Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's Been Awhile

I haven't posted in quite along time. I'm not sure how it happened but things got really busy all of the sudden. Work has been crazy, softball season started and coaching the team has taken alot of the evening times, Britnee had her second child (a boy, my third grand-child), and there has been lots of family stuff going on.
We always refer to core stability at Crossfit. Well in costruction stabily is key as well. Here you see a steel moment frame being added to a home for stability.

As far as fitness goes I have still been charging hard at Crossfit North Santa Cruz. On the 13th I had a low hamstring pull on my left leg and had to avoid running and some leg exercises this week. It feels mostly healed except for sprints I think I can get back to doing just about anything this upcoming week. Luckily I didn't pop it and it has healed surprisingly fast. Everyone prepared me for this to be a long slow process. Being 45 years old I assumed it would be a slow heal. I'm sure diet and the crossfit way of doing things has aided, but I'm quite happy with the healing time.

During last week when I had to modify some of the workouts for my injury I focused more on upper body intensity. All of the sudden I have been able to do a few of movements that I didn't have before. First, I finally got muscle-ups. I can't believe how much mental this movement is. Once I got one I could do a few in a row without problem. Second, I figured handstand push-ups out. I went form thinking there was no way I could do anything more than a negative to being able to get 5 in a row. Again, very mental. Once your brain realizes you can do one they become much easier. Lastly, I went up the rope w/o legs. Athough I have gotten pretty good on the rope this exercise was my nemesis last fall and I had no idea I would be able to do "ams only" assents, ever.

If you really want to have sore arms do some muscle-ups and legless rope climbs and feel the lingering pain. While I have learned these new movements I really haven't progressed much on the double unders. Of course I couldn't work on these while my hammy was bad, but with my rythem I'm not sure it would matter. Hopefully the will just click one of these days.

I'll try to post with some sort of regularity from now on. Until then keep hitting it hard.............

1 comment:

CJ said...

Glad to hear your hamstrings are healing up. And congrats on the muscleup! See you monday at 5...