Friday, January 4, 2008

Big Storm

It's the first friday night of the new year and today was very stormy. It rained real hard but was really bad was the wind. The gusts were up to huricane force and it wreaked havoc on the trees and caused alot of houses to leak that haven't leaked before. Our's is one that leaked. Luckily it was only in the garage and I know what I need to do to fix it.
Here's a pic of Melanie and Carley in our front courtyard. Today that would be a very wet spot to hang out.
I feel pretty fortunate. Even with this heavy wind and rain all my jobs fared well. The only real leak is the one in my own garage. The ants trying to get in our house is a whole other story. I really hate ants and have been in constant battle with them for a couple of weeks now.

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